SNAKE Hood Sweater SNAKE
Reference :
Brand :
SOL'S SNAKE, UNISEX HOODED SWEATSHIRT, 50% Ringspun cotton - 50% polyester BRUSHED FLEECE 280, Elastane rib on hem and cuffs, Set in sleeves, Kangaroo pocket, Hood with tone on tone drawstring, Fitted cut. About sizes matching, please refer to the size chart in the product documentation section. Dimensions : 58 X 38 X 42 CM
Stock :
Minimum quantity :
Product size :
580 x 380 x 420 mm
Cardboard size :
380 x 580 x 420 mm
Gross weight :
492 gr
Net weight :
408 gr
Cardboard weight :
9840 gr
Colors :
black, dark grey, french navy, flecked grey, meadow green, red, white, sky blue, royal blue, fuchsia, armed green, burgundy, bottle-green, navy blue, flecked white, flecked anthracite, lime, orange, aqua blue, dark purple
Textile size :
XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL
Declinations :
choose a declination ...
black, XS [Stock:1378]
dark grey, XS [Stock:162]
french navy, XS [Stock:1034]
flecked grey, XS [Stock:462]
meadow green, XS [Stock:152]
red, XS [Stock:447]
white, XS [Stock:240]
sky blue, XS [Stock:91]
royal blue, XS [Stock:573]
fuchsia, XS [Stock:131]
armed green, XS [Stock:33]
burgundy, XS [Stock:326]
bottle-green, XS [Stock:59]
navy blue, XS [Stock:157]
flecked white, XS
flecked anthracite, XS [Stock:106]
lime, XS [Stock:124]
orange, XS [Stock:217]
aqua blue, XS [Stock:29]
dark purple, XS [Stock:94]
black, S [Stock:11805]
dark grey, S [Stock:445]
french navy, S [Stock:5616]
flecked grey, S [Stock:2584]
meadow green, S [Stock:214]
red, S [Stock:1419]
white, S [Stock:1617]
royal blue, S [Stock:1050]
sky blue, S [Stock:648]
armed green, S [Stock:336]
fuchsia, S [Stock:146]
burgundy, S [Stock:772]
bottle-green, S [Stock:116]
navy blue, S [Stock:165]
flecked white, S [Stock:218]
lime, S [Stock:126]
orange, S [Stock:442]
aqua blue, S [Stock:185]
flecked anthracite, S [Stock:429]
dark purple, S [Stock:647]
black, M [Stock:22429]
dark grey, M [Stock:645]
french navy, M [Stock:10506]
flecked grey, M [Stock:1189]
meadow green, M [Stock:532]
red, M [Stock:2480]
white, M [Stock:2773]
sky blue, M [Stock:1130]
royal blue, M [Stock:2721]
fuchsia, M [Stock:54]
armed green, M [Stock:526]
burgundy, M [Stock:680]
bottle-green, M [Stock:168]
navy blue, M
lime, M [Stock:331]
flecked white, M [Stock:1019]
orange, M [Stock:1074]
flecked anthracite, M [Stock:536]
aqua blue, M [Stock:332]
dark purple, M [Stock:354]
flecked grey, L [Stock:1550]
black, L [Stock:21316]
dark grey, L [Stock:524]
french navy, L [Stock:8315]
meadow green, L [Stock:252]
red, L [Stock:2036]
white, L [Stock:1427]
sky blue, L [Stock:251]
royal blue, L [Stock:2602]
armed green, L [Stock:313]
fuchsia, L [Stock:250]
burgundy, L [Stock:680]
bottle-green, L [Stock:80]
navy blue, L [Stock:122]
flecked white, L [Stock:442]
flecked anthracite, L [Stock:778]
lime, L [Stock:280]
orange, L [Stock:840]
aqua blue, L [Stock:385]
dark purple, L [Stock:369]
black, XL [Stock:11377]
dark grey, XL [Stock:511]
french navy, XL [Stock:3866]
flecked grey, XL [Stock:2775]
meadow green, XL [Stock:454]
red, XL [Stock:826]
white, XL [Stock:403]
sky blue, XL [Stock:300]
royal blue, XL [Stock:1142]
fuchsia, XL [Stock:132]
armed green, XL [Stock:577]
burgundy, XL [Stock:460]
bottle-green, XL [Stock:96]
navy blue, XL [Stock:72]
flecked anthracite, XL [Stock:580]
aqua blue, XL [Stock:198]
lime, XL [Stock:220]
orange, XL [Stock:323]
flecked white, XL [Stock:403]
dark purple, XL [Stock:217]
black, XXL [Stock:3846]
dark grey, XXL [Stock:816]
french navy, XXL [Stock:1937]
flecked grey, XXL [Stock:1041]
meadow green, XXL [Stock:107]
red, XXL [Stock:602]
white, XXL [Stock:467]
royal blue, XXL [Stock:194]
sky blue, XXL [Stock:164]
burgundy, XXL [Stock:321]
armed green, XXL [Stock:219]
fuchsia, XXL [Stock:147]
navy blue, XXL [Stock:120]
bottle-green, XXL [Stock:84]
flecked white, XXL [Stock:293]
orange, XXL [Stock:219]
aqua blue, XXL [Stock:112]
lime, XXL [Stock:140]
flecked anthracite, XXL [Stock:326]
dark purple, XXL [Stock:275]
black, 3XL [Stock:1414]
black, 4XL [Stock:483]
white, 3XL [Stock:138]
armed green, 3XL [Stock:100]
fuchsia, 3XL [Stock:344]
sky blue, 3XL [Stock:70]
royal blue, 3XL [Stock:342]
flecked grey, 3XL [Stock:42]
french navy, 3XL [Stock:292]
burgundy, 3XL [Stock:64]
bottle-green, 3XL [Stock:93]
bottle-green, 4XL [Stock:76]
navy blue, 3XL [Stock:15]
navy blue, 4XL [Stock:56]
sky blue, 4XL [Stock:97]
red, 4XL [Stock:158]
french navy, 4XL [Stock:271]
armed green, 4XL [Stock:104]
lime, 3XL [Stock:50]
meadow green, 3XL [Stock:250]
orange, 3XL [Stock:140]
flecked white, 3XL [Stock:139]
flecked anthracite, 3XL [Stock:161]
red, 3XL [Stock:183]
dark grey, 3XL [Stock:333]
aqua blue, 3XL [Stock:150]
dark grey, 4XL [Stock:51]
royal blue, 4XL [Stock:66]
flecked grey, 4XL [Stock:107]
dark purple, 3XL [Stock:96]
Quantity :
Price :
On quote
total : total
Unless otherwise stated, benchmark price with marking excluded
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